Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This is another post for my 21st Century skills class.  It's about work, and what kind of job I want to have when I get out of school, or even when I'm still in school.  You can enjoy going to work each day if you like your job a lot.  Also, you don't always have to get paid.  You can work in a non-profit organization and donate the money that you earn to charity.  I'm not exactly sure what kind of job that I want after I get out of school.  I think that my dream job would be either something with food, like a chef in a restaurant or working in a bakery.  Or it would be like a fashion or wedding dress designer.
Image: 'Ore Producing Cupcakes


  1. I really like your picture! It totally describes you!! Love it girly!

  2. Tessa,
    If you make cupcakes looking like the one in your post I'd buy one...or a dozen!
    Enjoy discovering your talents Tessa. You will do well!
    Mrs. B.
